2019 Revised Map updates!

Here is a revised map on 2019 observations to iNaturalist for the Ohio Dragonfly Survey – as of last night (midnight Jul 16, 2019). We are making progress – actually quite a bit in the last 10 days.

The light the color, the fewer observations – and obviously, the greater need for observers/observations during the rest of the season.I kept the scaling the same so we can see the progress – the east group needs several folks to visit.

These are Research Grade observations made in 2019. We will be over 14,000 observations for 2019 by the end of the week, from over 500 different observers, representing 125 species so far (Variable Dancer and Violet Dancer are considered the same, as are North American Slender Bluet and Westfall’s Slender Bluet (previously known as Western Slender Bluet).

Blue Dasher is our most commonly observed Dragonfly do far with nearly 1200 observations (bit Eastern Pondhawk is catching up quickly – EP was our most commonly observed Ode in 2018), Eastern Forktail is the most observed Damselfly with over 850 observations – and is now pulling away from Fragile Forktail.

We have two sp now with 2019 observations in all Ohio Counties – Blue Dasher and Common Whitetail. Sp within striking range are Eastern Pondhawk (85), Fragile Forktail (84), Eastern Forktail (83), Widow Skimmer (82).

These numbers are changing every day – we are averaging over 330 submissions per day, July is on track to be our first 10,000 observation month. Pretty cool. -Jim Lemon

Also, a note from Bill Hull: “watch out for odes that might be moving north with the blast of wind and heat from the south. I saw a “Red” Saddlebags fly over my urban yard a little bit ago that I suspect was a real Red Saddlebags. In particular, people should watch for Red and Striped Saddlebags and Band-winged Dragonlets.”

Jay Heiser

A retired Gartner Research VP, Jay is now able to fully indulge a lifelong interest in natural history. Since 2018, he and his wife Elizabeth have been mapping out the flora and fauna of their Coshocton County home. The OOS website represents the third time in 30 years that he’s tried to build and run a website.


2020 Ohio Dragonfly Conference! Join us June 5th-7th!


Species Breakouts!